On September 15, 2022, the Texas Veteran Commission (TVC) recognized State Representatives Richard Peña Raymond and Ray Lopez for their consistent, strong support and advocacy on veteran issues throughout their years of service. Representative Raymond was named as the...
A new Bexar County Military and Veterans Service Center Director is scheduled to come onboard in September 2022. LTC Keith Wilson is slated for the directorship upon his retirement from U.S. Army Soldier for Life, Regional Director for South U.S., Northeast U.S. and...
Tina Jones gets out and about to help veterans in Wichita County. As Wichita County Veterans Service Officer, she’s helped veterans with housing, food, counseling, even delivering older veterans taxes to the upper story of the courthouse. She does all this in addition...
On September 13, 2022, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) presented $1,850,000 in grants to seven organizations for providing services to approximately 1,800 veterans in the FVA West Region. The presentation was made by TVC...
Kingsville area veterans have some gym time exclusively for them thanks to the Kingsville Boxing Club. “This allows the veteran to work out in a military veteran environment. The benefit of this is that this opportunity allows the veteran to express himself in ways...
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