Justice Involved Veteran
The Justice Involved Veteran (JIV) Program works to improve veteran services across the entire criminal justice continuum. The JIV Managers serve as resource to provide technical assistance and training to all Veteran Treatment Courts across Texas.
The JIV Program also partners with the local and state law enforcement to deliver officers relevant trainings such as trauma affected veterans and crisis intervention strategies. JIV Managers also collaborate with the local jail and state prison systems to better ensure that incarcerated veterans have access to veteran-specific services and programming.

Justice Involved Veterans Resources
Veterans Sequential Intercept Model (V-SIM)
The National Institute of Correction worked collaboratively with SAMSHA, the VA, and members of the Justice Involved Veterans Network to adapt the sequential intercept model to the justice-involved veteran population. Highlights interventions that may be more effective at a given stage considering the needs of the veteran.
Veteran Intercepts in the Criminal Justice System Intro
Veteran Intercepts the Criminal Justice System Intercepts 0-1
2024 Judicial Summit Top 15 Learning Points
Website Resources
E-Learning Center Self-paced training wth leading experts. Browse E-Learning Options
Check out of your unit; check in to ours. Combined Arms is a one-stop resource for veterans in transition. Through a combined effort with our 165+ member organizations, we offer holistic support in a customized and efficient way.
The 2021 version of the Federal Benefits for Veterans Dependents and Survivors.
Treatment courts are the most successful intervention in our nation’s history for leading people living with substance use and mental health disorders out of the justice system and into lives of recovery and stability.
Justice For Vets is a national training and techinical assistance provider for the Bureau of Justice Assistance within the Office of Justice Programs at the U.S. Department of Justice.
To provide public safety, promote positive change in offender behavior, reintegrate offenders into society, and assist victims of crime.
The Texas Legislature created the Commission on Jail Standards in 1975 to implement a declared state policy that all county jail facilities conform to minimum standards of construction, maintenance and operation.
Texas Suicide Prevention initiative is the result of a collaborative effort throughout the state of Texas of community-based organizations, state and local agencies, academic institutions, and many others who work together to reduce suicides in Texas.
Veterans can sometimes run into issues with law enforcement and the criminal justice system resulting in incarceration. It is important justice-involved Veterans are familiar with VA benefits including what VA benefits they may still be eligible to receive.
TVC’s Justice Involved Veteran Program FAQ
Veteran Intercepts in the Criminal Justice System
Veterans Sequential Intercept Model (V-SIM)
Veterans Treatment Court Program Annual Report 2024
7th Judicial Summit On Mental Health
The Ten Key Components of Veterans Treatment Courts
National Institute of Justice Five Things About Reentry
Veterans Affairs Justice Involved Veterans Benefits
Veterans Treatment Courts Fact Sheet
A Motivating Factor for Seeking Treatment in VTC
A Guidebook for Veterans Incarcerated in Texas
Multisite Evaluation of Veterans Treatment Courts
Justice Involved Veterans Network
HCRV Brochure
October 2023
MI Toolkit for VTC
Justice for Vets Motivational Interviewing Bench Card
Biennial Reentry & Reintegration Services Report
ACT: Texas House Bill Number 865
Veteran Treatment Courts Contacts
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